
Cracking the 1991 myth

4 Jun 2019 8:55 PM IST
As C Rangarajan explodes the myth of the 1991 reforms being orchestrated entirely by IMF, the role of governments in altering a country’s economic...

Developing Rural India

21 Feb 2019 9:59 PM IST
Studies suggest that villages can develop only if densification happens so as to reap the benefit of economies of scale

Fiscal profligacy?

23 Jan 2019 7:44 PM IST
CAG has expressed concern over macroeconomic stability – a possible outcome of omitting revenue deficit targets

A sort of election promise

16 Jan 2019 8:56 PM IST
The interim budget garners big expectations from the current government – with an eye on the upcoming Lok Sabha elections

Hiccups to smooth sailing

11 Jan 2019 8:27 PM IST
Compared to global indices, Indian ports and shipping infrastructure suffer from woeful inadequacies that must be immediately addressed

Lack of holistic compliance

5 Dec 2018 8:03 PM IST
Banking frauds have incessantly been on the rise, highlighting the ineffectiveness of banks in preventing them with existing resources

Financial stability in jeopardy

10 Oct 2018 8:59 PM IST
With India bearing the brunt of mounting NPAs, UNCTAD report rings warning bells on the global economy

Inflation looms large

25 Sept 2018 9:52 PM IST
Fiscal deficit target looks to compress capital expenditure

Overhauling policy to revive Rupee

18 Sept 2018 10:23 PM IST
India should focus on strengthening its macroeconomic fundamentals to tackle the issue of depreciating Rupee

A cause of concern

4 Sept 2018 9:35 PM IST
The unusual spurt in fuel prices due to surging global oil prices and falling rupee signals danger for the economy

Changing face of agriculture

30 Aug 2018 10:19 PM IST
Though India is becoming increasingly less agricultural, food grain and horticulture production continue to rise every year

Uncertain macroeconomic stability

8 Jun 2018 9:46 PM IST
While GDP growth is on the rise, some serious problems persist.
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