
Feeding the nation

25 Oct 2019 10:20 PM IST
India requires a policy overhaul to provide people with increased purchase capacity and all-inclusive food security to effectively combat hunger and...

Of dire consequences

27 Sept 2019 8:48 PM IST
Harbouring nuclear ambitions point to dangerous connotations

Prioritising geriatric care

27 Aug 2019 8:47 PM IST
Our elderly require a comprehensive healthcare system to cater to their chronic ailments

Caring for the elderly

19 Aug 2019 10:35 PM IST
In a country where the social security net is poor, designing appropriate healthcare for senior citizens is a huge challenge

Not in the national interest

31 July 2019 8:47 PM IST
Having severe implications if enacted, the National Medical Commission Bill draws sharp criticism from the medical fraternity

Labour Code ignores health hazards

26 July 2019 8:48 PM IST
Occupational safety concerns need utmost attention as the proposed labour code practically overlooks concerns of workers employed in the...

Detrimental health hazard of nuke

17 July 2019 8:44 PM IST
The safety standards maintained by UCIL authorities can be gauged by the fact that the tailings lie in open areas where local children play

No happy tidings there

8 July 2019 10:18 PM IST
Healthcare gets inadequate attention in 2019-20 budget

A historic task

4 July 2019 10:12 PM IST
High amounts of defence expenditure should be diverted to health, education

Revamp medical education

26 Jun 2019 10:36 PM IST
Addressing gross inadequacies, special consideration is necessary for meritorious but poor students

Cry of the children

20 Jun 2019 10:35 PM IST
Poor health infrastructure remains the pressing cause of concern in Muzaffarpur as a familiar epidemic strikes hard again

For our doctors

18 Jun 2019 11:30 PM IST
A national level legislation against violence on doctors will act as a strong deterrent preventing a repeat of the Bengal episode
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