
Need of the hour

1 Jan 2021 10:57 PM IST
In the pursuit of profit-making, we have drifted away from our real goals in health — it is time to change our priorities

Actions rather than thoughts

18 Jun 2020 10:53 PM IST
Aside from superficial displays of concern and respect, our healthcare workers require urgent Government intervention to ensure they their safety and...

Loud and clear

4 Jun 2020 8:35 PM IST
The current pandemic and adverse climate disasters that continue to follow are indicators that the healthcare and safety of humanity is inextricably...

Hunger games

31 May 2020 10:31 PM IST
With the crippling economic effects of the lockdown and barely sufficient ration provided by the PDS system, India’s most vulnerable sections are...

Heeding the clarion call

12 May 2020 11:41 PM IST
The current pandemic has revealed major gaps in India’s healthcare system — requiring dedicated effort to shore up shortfalls in the healthcare budget

Time for robust healthcare

30 March 2020 8:51 PM IST
Alongside an economic stimulus package, the Indian Government’s COVID-19 response must include measures to ensure better health and nutrition outcomes...

Drawing a line

8 March 2020 8:43 PM IST
Impeding the work of healthcare providers by violence is a crime against humanity

Unclear intentions

20 Jan 2020 8:07 PM IST
Prime Minister Modi’s stance on unethical marketing practices by pharma companies sends mixed signals given government reluctance to institute uniform...

Differing priorities

12 Jan 2020 7:59 PM IST
Privatisation of district hospitals under NITI Aayog proposal is not the ideal solution for the problem of providing free universal healthcare

Deplorable actions

26 Dec 2019 9:57 PM IST
Police brutality inside the Mangaluru hospital paints the administration in poor light

Medicine: Science, not belief

15 Dec 2019 9:07 PM IST
Political and scientific bodies should negate superstitious beliefs hovering in the Indian society and propagate scientific as well medical awareness

Violence in peacetime

26 Nov 2019 8:54 PM IST
Violence adversely impacts any society’s public health and must be pacified by neutralising the factors that contribute to its eruption
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