
America has spoken

19 Dec 2020 11:03 PM IST
In the face of a perfect storm of crises, America has laid its hopes in a Biden-Harris led White House engineering a full turn-around and bring a...

Governing the digital frontier

21 Nov 2020 11:29 PM IST
Regardless of the many complications and apprehensions regarding potential infringements on free speech, the regulatory framework for social media...

The Great Vaccine Race

26 Sept 2020 9:14 PM IST
Already a monumental and historically decisive undertaking, the global initiative to develop a COVID-19 vaccine is now being pushed forward by certain...

On uncertain ground

13 Jun 2020 11:35 PM IST
A series of tremors and minor earthquakes over the last few months have gripped the NCR in a sense of foreboding over whether the region is capable of...

A changed globe

2 May 2020 8:42 PM IST
After the world manages to pull itself out of what can easily be considered as this century’s defining moment of crisis, the human species will have...

The End ?

31 Aug 2019 6:34 PM IST
Though Amazon is burning in Brazil, the responsibility to prioritise its conservation must be shouldered by the entire world – a majority of which,...

Shale in India: A Shot in the DARK

7 July 2018 9:22 PM IST
With the global economy tussling over access to precious oil resources – India with its burgeoning population faces an uphill task of acquiring...
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