Author: Danish Khan and Ruhi Khan
Publisher: Penguin
Price: 399
The rift between Nadeem and Gulshan was no secret. The cassette king and the reigning musical czars...
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Author: N Ram, Romila Thapar, Gautam Bhatia and Gautam Patel
Publisher: Aleph Book Company
Price: 499
India might have awakened to ‘life and freedom’ at the stroke of the midnight hour separating 14...
Author: Hamid Ansari and Geeta Mohan
I was shifted to the death-row cell, a place where they kept convicts who had been sentenced to...
Author: Tom Phillips
Publisher: Wildfire
A review of Tom Phillips’ book Humans: A Brief History of How We F*cked It All Up can easily be...
Author: Admiral Sushil Kumar
Publisher: Konark
Price: 650
India’s post-Independence history, which is still not taught in schools and colleges, presents...
Author: Richard Baldwin
Publisher: W&N
Price: 699
Predictions about job crisis that the advent of robotics and artificial intelligence may unleash in...
Author: Zarrar Said
Publisher: HarperCollins
Price: 599
Zarrar’s Said’s Pureland could well be the postmortem of a nation, torn at its very roots by...
Author: John Dayal, Natasha Badhwar, Harsh Mander
Publisher: Westland Books
“I just want to know how my son died,” the old man wept. The reason for his son’s death – lynching –...
Author: Arvind Gupta
National security is not just about the military, it also concerns governance and the tendency to...
Author: Hindol Sengupta
Price: 799
“Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s great dream was a united India,” states Hindol Sengupta who authors a...
Author: Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes
Publisher: Ebury Press/ Penguin
Populists pandering to parochial identities, polarising multi-ethnic societies, posing extravagant...
Author: G. N. Bajpai
Publisher: Sage Publication
Price: 365
Whenever a ‘Satyam’ like incident unfolds, the debate on the quality of Corporate Governance gets...
Director: Tigmanshu Dhulia and Aijaz Khan
Star Cast: Rasika Dugal, Purab Kohli
For a large part of its playing time, ‘Out Of Love’ looks like banal take on infidelity. Except that...
Director: James Bobin
Star Cast: Isabela Moner, Eva Longoria, Danny Trejo
Despite a strong cast, clean fun with the perils of adventure and teen angst, Director James Bobin’s...
Director: Vinod Kapri
Star Cast: Myra, Prerna Sharma, voices of Rahul Bagga and Hrishita Bhatt
If Macaulay Culkin was a little girl who was a far better actor than he, and if Home Alone was a...