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Biodiversity and transgenic crops
12 Jun 2012 6:27 AM ISTResearchers in Argentina have isolated a drought-resistant sunflower gene and spliced it into soy, bolstering hopes for improved yields as the South...
Scientists grow bone from fat
11 Jun 2012 7:17 AM ISTScientists have grown a human bone from stem cells taken from fat, paving the way for repair or replacement of broken bones with those grown from a...
NASA cancels space telescope project
9 Jun 2012 3:11 PM ISTNASA has announced the cancelling of its new space telescope project designed to seek out black holes and other cosmic mysteries through X-ray light...
Conquests of Indian science
7 Jun 2012 7:05 AM ISTOne hundred years back on 2 June, a small beginning was made when the first session of Indian Science Congress was held. Inaugurated by Sir Ashutosh...
Top computer scientists to meet in July
7 Jun 2012 6:49 AM ISTThe central government has convened a meeting of top computer scientists in Delhi on 4 July to work out a ‘common strategy and medium-term action...
Dark chocolate for a healthy heart
5 Jun 2012 8:20 AM ISTDaily consumption of dark chocolate reduces risks of fatal and non-fatal heart attacks, new research says.Monash University researchers showed that...
On track of water on Mars
24 May 2012 6:19 PM ISTExcitement is building up as the scientists in-charge of NASA’s Mars Rover Curiosity have begun operational readiness tests of the vehicle, this...
Gen Y speaks through social media
24 May 2012 4:18 PM ISTIndia's Generation Y is fast changing the communication paradigm by adopting newer modes of networking, like Facebook, instant messaging and chat to...
Is mobile phone behind your sickness?
23 May 2012 2:51 PM ISTA study has been initiated by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in the capital to find out if the use of cell phones is causing...
Life-bearing planets possible
15 May 2012 1:28 PM ISTA few hundred thousand billion free-floating life-bearing earth-sized planets may exist in the space between stars in the Milky Way, says a study. The...
Astronomers discover 'hidden planet'
12 May 2012 12:26 PM ISTAstronomers have discovered what they claim is a 'hidden planet' outside our solar system, using a 150-year-old technique used to find Neptune. A team...
Spitzer detects new planet
10 May 2012 11:09 AM ISTNASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has detected light emanating from a 'super-Earth' planet beyond our solar system for the first time. 'Spitzer has...