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Lena Headey 'ashamed'of treatment of refugees in UK
25 April 2017 8:49 PM IST‘Game of Thrones’ actor Lena Headey says she is ‘ashamed’ of the treatment refugees are receiving in her country, United Kingdom.
9,000 refugees reach Iraq
23 July 2012 6:09 AM ISTIraq’s Kurdish region has received up to 9,000 Syrian refugees looking to flee their homeland following ongoing violence, Xinhua quoted a Kurdish...
Most persecuted in South Asia
4 July 2012 8:33 AM ISTRecent communal riots targeting Rohingiya Muslims in Rakhine province in western Myanmar have sent scores of defenceless people scurrying towards...
Outsiders in a borderless world
1 July 2012 4:54 PM ISTPakistan fanned the ever-present debate over refugee accommodation on Friday, when it brought up the subject of deporting some 400,000 Afghan...
400,000 Afghans face deportation
30 Jun 2012 6:56 AM ISTHundreds of thousands of Afghans face the threat of deportation back to their war-torn country from Pakistan once a deadline expires on Saturday, but...
In a state of nowhere
29 Jun 2012 6:45 AM ISTSitting in the midst of this terrible heat and dust, all that I’m somehow able to mutter and murmur is ‘only a couple of liveable months… the rest of...
Syrian pilot granted asylum in Jordan
22 Jun 2012 7:58 AM ISTA Syrian pilot was granted political asylum after landing his MiG fighter jet in neighbouring Jordan on Thursday, in the first such defection of a...
Refugees in own country: Kashmiri pandits
21 Jun 2012 6:54 AM ISTKashmiri pandits, who have been forced out of the Kashmir Valley, gathered at Jantar Mantar here on Wednesday, seeking rehabilitation and government’s...
Why inhuman to Myanmar refugees?
19 May 2012 9:02 AM ISTThe case of Myanmar refugees who have landed on the dusty, hot shores of Delhi is an important issue, which the government must address sooner than...
Refugees finally get shelter in city
18 May 2012 8:54 AM ISTAfter being shunted about the city, the 2,500-odd Myanmar asylum-seekers have been provided a shelter finally.A charitable organisation, Zakat...
Where are the children of Myanmar refugees?
18 May 2012 7:41 AM ISTTheir plight has been hitting headlines for sometime now and being discussed in earnest. But looks like the Myanmar refugees' bag of woes is only...
Chidambaram denies bias against Myanmar refugees
17 May 2012 10:26 AM ISTUnion Home Minister P Chidambaram Wednesday denied any discrimination against Rohingya Muslim refugees from Myanmar on the basis of religion and said...