Author: Shashi Tharoor
Publisher: Aleph
Price: 799
The New India I want is a country where you won’t get lynched for the food you eat, marginalized for...
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Author: Srinath Raghavan
Publisher: Penguin Allen Lane
American interest in South Asian countries (particularly India) – which deepened after British...
Author: Ullekh N. P
Publisher: Penguin
Price: 650
Politics and chessboard conversations come few and far between for an art critic like me. But the...
Author: Bibek Debroy and Kishore Arun Desai
Publisher: Rupa Publishers
Price: 595
In short, in a country like India where judicial review and anti-corruption laws are already very...
Author: Radhika dutt
Publisher: Collins Publishers
Price: Rs350
In a world marked by violence, terror, war, angst, jealousy, and every other sense of aggressive...
Author: Jhumpa Lahiri
Publisher: Penguin India
Price: 199
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri’s latest book, at first glance, is a sort of soothing...