Author: Sandeep Unnithan and Capt. M N R Samant (MVC)
Publisher: Harper Collins
Price: 499
After Sheikh Mujibur Rahman won an electoral mandate to become the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the...
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Author: Admiral Sushil Kumar
Publisher: Konark
Price: 650
India’s post-Independence history, which is still not taught in schools and colleges, presents...
Author: Kim A. Wagner
Publisher: Penguin Viking
Price: 599
Before general Dyre barked his order to open fire at the thickest crowd of defenceless and...
Author: Mike Bhalla
Publisher: Vij Book India Pvt Ltd
Price: 795
The long-lasting image of Commodore (later Admiral and Naval Chief) Ronald Lynsdale Pereira, better...
Author: Major Krishna Chandra Johorey
Publisher: Pentagon Press
Price: 995
First and foremost, the author deserves a thumping commendation for undertaking this book even as he...
Author: Rahul Rajan
Publisher: Frog Books
Price: 495
Why and how did the tradition about burning Ravan, the descendant of Lord Brahma, a great devotee...
Author: Tom Hanks
Publisher: William Heinemann
Known for frequently essaying ordinary, likable and good-natured characters facing extraordinary...
Author: Vikas Dutta
Publisher: Atlantic Books
Price: Rs499
The unsinkable ship didn’t live up to its reputation – except in popular culture. It has been over a...
Author: Shiv Aroor
Publisher: Juggernaut Publishers
Price: Rs 239
Shiv Aroor’s ‘Operation Jinnah’ initiates a new genre of fiction. It’s a thriller with a cause, be...
Author: Pravin Sawhney
Publisher: Aleph Book Company
Price: 799
A dear friend, dead now, used to say the Indian generals are usually all gung-ho about taking on...