
UK bans Indian Mujahideen

6 July 2012 10:59 AM IST
Britain has banned the Indian Mujahideen, making it a criminal offence to join and support the Lashkar-e-Taiba-linked terror group which carried out...

Bomb blast accused killed in jail brawl

9 Jun 2012 1:48 PM IST
An active member of the Indian Mujahideen, Qateel Ahmad Siddique, 27, who was arrested on 21 November 2011, was strangulated to death in the Yerawada...

Cops find IM terrorist’s motivation

17 May 2012 4:04 PM IST
The suspected Indian Mujahideen (IM) terrorist Shakeel was apparently motivated by his brother-in-law Bashir, who was arrested in February for...
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