
‘Poor’ man wants to look better, rejected

14 July 2012 7:08 AM IST
An unemployed person and below-poverty-line card holder has approached the court-mandated committee to monitor the treatment of economically weaker...

US lawmakers debate on health care law

12 July 2012 6:55 AM IST
US lawmakers began five contentious hours of debate over repealing the health care law, with Republicans insisting there is bipartisan support for...

Don’t go slow on tomatoes this summer

11 July 2012 8:20 AM IST
Though summers in Delhi initially offer a welcome break from the misty foggy days, the abundance of sunshine soon leads to innumerable skin and hair...

Prunes help regulate bowels?

4 July 2012 8:54 AM IST
The modern life takes a toll on our bodies in ways we do not even notice. Approximately 20 per cent of the world’s population suffers from...

UK issues safe sex tips to Olympics visitors

4 July 2012 7:50 AM IST
Ahead of the London Olympics, Britain's top health agency has advised visitors to always practice safe sex to ensure protection against any sexually...

Seven die as Pak doctors strike

3 July 2012 7:47 AM IST
At least seven patients died at state-run healthcare facilities in Pakistan's Punjab province after doctors stopped treating patients on Monday to...

Delhi to get a new medical college

3 July 2012 7:21 AM IST
Delhi will get another medical college with the Medical Council of India according permission to Hamdard Institute Of Medical Sciences [HIMSR], Jamia...

Never in the open

2 July 2012 7:50 AM IST
The government has done right to have set a goal of 10 years to turn India into an open-defecation-free country. The rural development ministry has...

How not to be an unhealthy cubicle creature

29 Jun 2012 6:58 AM IST
In the daily rat race, people  forget that their working style affects their body and mind. Most office-goers are avid laptop users and are at their...

End to bulging waistlines

28 Jun 2012 9:49 PM IST
From monitoring bloating waistlines to logging on to Facebook to leveraging the benefits of IT, the 1,25,000-strong Uttar Pradesh police, hitherto...

Assam cleft-lip centre helps neighbours

25 Jun 2012 6:48 AM IST
After performing corrective surgeries on over 6,000 children in the past two years, NGO Operation Smile India's Comprehensive Cleft Care Centre here...

Sewer workers’ daily battle with death

25 Jun 2012 5:58 AM IST
He knows it may prove fatal, yet 55-year-old Uday Ram does not hesitate to enter the narrow manhole filled with fermented faeces, urine and other...
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