
Warmest climate in half a billion years

6 April 2017 10:00 PM IST
What really matters is the combined effect of sun’s changing strength and the varying greenhouse effect, explain Gavin Foster, Dana Royer, & Dan Lunt .

Rio: not plus or minus, just 20

1 July 2012 4:44 PM IST
The Rio+20 UN conference on sustainable development is over. The conference declaration, titled The Future We Want, is a weak and meaningless...

Environmental policy for firms

25 May 2012 8:51 AM IST
That the Ministry of Environment and Forests seeks to widen the scope of corporate environmental responsibility for a sustainable future is welcome....

Climate socialism is just a dream

24 May 2012 5:45 AM IST
In 1992, when the world met to discuss an agreement on climate change, equity was a simple concept: sharing the global commons — the atmosphere in...

Pacific islands 'may become refuges for corals, fish'

1 May 2012 1:01 AM IST
The Pacific islands may become isolated refuges for corals and fish when ocean temperatures rise in the equatorial Pacific by the end of the century...
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