
'The Elysee is ours'

8 May 2012 7:09 AM IST
Jubilant left-wingers thronged the Bastille, a Paris square synonymous with the French Revolution, to celebrate the triumph of Hollande. 'Sarko,...

Can Hollande save Europe?

8 May 2012 4:41 AM IST
France handed the presidency to Leftist Francois Hollande, a champion of government stimulus programmes who says the state should protect the...

Sarkozy, the hyperactive president who disappointed France

7 May 2012 9:10 AM IST
Nicolas Sarkozy's defeat today marked the end of a five-year presidency during which he divided a France that had put its hopes in him to break with a...

Socialist Hollande wins French presidency

7 May 2012 9:07 AM IST
Francois Hollande was elected France's first Socialist president in nearly two decades today, dealing a humiliating defeat to incumbent Nicolas...

Sarkozy takes on rival in verbal battle

4 May 2012 11:13 AM IST
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist challenger Francois Hollande went through a fierce verbal battle in a primetime televised debate that...

'Sarkozy got 50 million euros from Gaddafi'

30 April 2012 12:49 AM IST
A document made public in Paris claims that French President Nicolas Sarkozy received 50 million euros (around USD 65 million) from slain Libyan...
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