Author: Aruna Chakravarti
Publisher: Picador India
Price: 650
From the author of Jorasanko and Daughters of Jorasanko, comes another novel Suralakshmi Villa. This...
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Author: Sukanya Rahman
Publisher: Speaking Tiger
Price: 399
For some, dance is passion; for some others, its a way of life while yet others, find it...
Author: Manish Nandy
Publisher: Harper Collins
Price: 499
Life has uncountable memories suspended in the vast corners of our mind and reminiscing those brings...
Author: Victoria Turk
Publisher: Penguin Ebury Press
Like it or loathe it, no one can avoid digital forms of communication and interaction. Be it...
Author: Raghu Rai
Publisher: Roli Books
Price: 2995
It was in 1975 when photographer Raghu Rai first met Buddhist spiritual leader The Dalai Lama in...
Author: Manochhaya
Publisher: Niyogi Books
In the 1930s, when the freedom struggle was gathering momentum, the British Raj slapped a ban on...
Author: Sandeep Amar
Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan
Price: 200
In life, being overburdened with responsibilities and duties, we are often stuck at crossroads while...
Author: Ghulam Murshid
Price: 995
Across its course of history and particularly in the last few decades, Bengal has witnessed a number...
Author: Raja Sen
Publisher: Puffin Books
Price: 450
When film critic extraordinaire Raja Sen decides to spin a tale about a baker in the easy telling of...
Author: Selected and translated by Muhammad Umar Memon
Publisher: Aleph Book Company
Price: 699
The young Urdu language has evolved inextricably as a part of the broader culture in the north of...
Director: Bjorn Runge
Star Cast: Glenn Close, Jonathan Pryce, Christian Slater, Max Irons, Harry Lloyd, Annie Starke, Alix Wilton Regan, Elizabeth McGovern
Swedish director Bjorn Runge’s The Wife, written by Jane Anderson from Meg Wolitzer’s novel of the...
Director: Pia Sukanya
Star Cast: Radhika Apte, Akshay Oberoi, Adil Hussain, Siddhanth Kapoor, Ravi Kishen, Shilpa Shukla, Ajinkya Deo
Bombairiya is a complexly designed film with a plethora of characters and sub plots strewn all over,...
Director: Vinod Kapri
Star Cast: Myra, Prerna Sharma, voices of Rahul Bagga and Hrishita Bhatt
If Macaulay Culkin was a little girl who was a far better actor than he, and if Home Alone was a...