
Dirty air and water increase cradle deaths

8 March 2017 10:09 PM IST
While absolute level of pollution increases risk, vulnerability is enhanced due to resource poverty.

Giving back to the community

23 July 2012 7:45 AM IST
Airports Authority of India (AAI)’s unique paper recycling plant in Vasant Kunj, the first of its kind to be set up by a Public Sector Unit (PSU), is...

Rio: not plus or minus, just 20

1 July 2012 4:44 PM IST
The Rio+20 UN conference on sustainable development is over. The conference declaration, titled The Future We Want, is a weak and meaningless...

Earth aching under excess weight

19 Jun 2012 8:47 AM IST
Obesity is not just a serious health hazard, it's an environmental problem as well, as a new study has found that our fast growing waistlines are...

'Green reports of mining firms full of false data'

15 Jun 2012 7:55 AM IST
An international human rights organisation has said the environment impact assessment (EIA) reports submitted by iron ore mining firms in India are...

Environmental policy for firms

25 May 2012 8:51 AM IST
That the Ministry of Environment and Forests seeks to widen the scope of corporate environmental responsibility for a sustainable future is welcome....

Plastic changes of the times

17 May 2012 7:55 AM IST
If you are a child of the pre '50s you would remember the good old days when ‘chai’ was sold in ‘kullahar’, the fragrance of the damp earthen mug...
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