Author: VN Datta
Publisher: Penguin
Price: 399
Before Dyer’s arrival, eight speakers, including Abdul Aziz, Dr Gurbax Rai and Rai Ram Singh, had...
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Author: Aruna Chakravarti
Publisher: Picador India
Price: 650
From the author of Jorasanko and Daughters of Jorasanko, comes another novel Suralakshmi Villa. This...
Author: Zarrar Said
Publisher: HarperCollins
Price: 599
Zarrar’s Said’s Pureland could well be the postmortem of a nation, torn at its very roots by...
Author: Nilakshi Borgohain
Publisher: Visions and Reasons Imprint
Price: 350
Nilakshi Borgohain has handed over a unique novel dedicated to the Omni- ‘to every reader...
Author: Rahul Rajan
Publisher: Frog Books
Price: 495
Why and how did the tradition about burning Ravan, the descendant of Lord Brahma, a great devotee...