Author: Furquan Moharkan
Publisher: Penguin
Price: 350
In September 1957, a Punjabi family in Delhi was blessed with a baby boy—a boy who would go on to...
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Author: Pranab Mukherjee
Publisher: Rupa Publications
Price: 695
The internal process of decision-making varies from government to government, and PM Modi has...
Author: Raja Chakraborty
Publisher: Hawakal Publishers
Raja Chakraborty’s creative repertoire includes verse collections in both English and Bengali. While...
Author: Veena Sharma
Publisher: Niyogi Books
Price: 750
It is not for nothing that the Garhwal region of the Himalayas is referred to as deva bhumi, the...
Author: Lawrence Hamilton
Publisher: Penguin India
Price: 499
There are a number of ways in which freedom is central to the work of Amartya Sen. Right across his...
Author: Shashi Tharoor
Publisher: Aleph Book Company
Price: 799
As I have noted, Prime Minister Modi likes to practise what American generals call ‘shock and awe’....
Author: Ritu Sarin, Jay Mazoomdaar , P. Vaidyanathan Iyer
Price: 599
‘‘...The next revolution will be digitized. Or perhaps it has already begun.” This is how John Doe...
Author: Brad Smith and Carol Ann Browne
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Price: 699
Microsoft faced one of the defining Antitrust cases by the US Department of Justice in 1998. A phase...
Author: Sushant Singh and Kulpreet Yadav
Price: 299
Often women in India and even around the globe are perceived as ‘soft, gentle and nurturing’ human...
Author: Bijayalaxmi Nanda
Publisher: Har-Anand Publication
Price: 795
Bijayalaxmi Nanda is a well-known academician in India who has worked extensively on women’s rights...
Author: Rakshanda Jalil
Publisher: Harper Collins
Ironically, in a plural, fast modernising and a superficially homogenising society like India, it...
Author: Feroze Varun Gandhi
Price: 995
Consider the landscape that India’s farmers survive in, says Feroze Varun Gandhi in his recently...