
Tips to take care of an injured bird

What are the ways in which we can provide first aid to birds injured due to kite strings?
Kite flying injures kills thousands of birds. If you find an injured bird, it is best to hold birds with two hands. Once caught, the bird should be examined quickly and should be placed in a well ventilated box. Different kinds of injury require different treatment.

Broken blood feather - They are relatively easy to treat. At home, pack the broken shaft with styptic powder or flour. Apply minimal pressure with a gauze pad while traveling to the veterinarian.
Bleeding toenail - Apply a styptic stick or powder to the toenail. Then, take the injured bird to a veterinarian.

Injured leg or foot - In case of an injured leg or foot styptic powder, corn flour or baking soda can be used to stop the bleeding. A mixture of alum and cold water can also be applied. Place a gauze pad over the wound and apply firm pressure. Also, use an antibiotic ointment and bandage.

Broken wing bones - cut the toe out of a sock and place the injured bird inside with its head through the hole. Ensure the bird can breathe comfortably and there are holes for its feet.

Give an overview of the bird trade in India.

The top ten traded species in terms of numbers are the Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri, Plum-headed Parakeet P. cyanocephala and Alexandrine Parakeet P. eupatria followed by passerines namely the Black-headed Munia Lonchura malacca, Red Munia Amandava amandava, White-throated Munia Lonchura malabarica, Baya Weaver Ploceus philippinus, Spotted Munia Lonchura punctulata, Redheaded Bunting Emberiza

Redheaded Bunting Emberiza bruniceps and the Blue Rock Pigeon Columba livia. These ten species contribute to nearly 75% of the indigenous bird trade. The rest of trade comprises of waders, ducks, larks, pipits and mynas. Species in very high trade demand are the Hill Myna Gracula religiosa, Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus, Red-breasted Parakeet Psittacula alexandri, Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus, Spotted Owlet Athene brama, Red-billed Leiothrix or Pekin Robin Leiothrix lutea, Oriental White-eye Zosterops

Oriental White-eye Zosterops palpebrosa, Himalayan Greenfinch Carduelis spinoides, Grey Francolin Francolinus pondicerianus and Shikra Accipiter badius. Also the Bank Myna Acridotheres ginginianus, Common Myna A. tristis, Asian Pied Myna or Starling Sturnus contra, Brahminy Starling S. pagodarum, House Sparrow Passer domesticus, and Large Grey Babbler Turdoides striatus are some commonly traded species.

Fourteen threatened species have been recorded at least once in the trade, and four of these, namely Green Munia or Avadavat, Finn's Baya or Yellow Weaver, Swamp Francolin and Sarus Crane have been recorded in trade on various occasions. The Green Munia is a globally threatened endemic species found very locally and unevenly in Central India. Despite the ban on both trade as well as export of the species from India, the Green Munia is still reported in international bird markets . Although little is known about the bird's habits in the wild, the species is rather delicate, and difficult to acclimatize in captivity, especially in temperate countries. Since it is also difficult to breed in captivity, its continued presence in international markets suggests that wild-caught birds are smuggled out of India . In addition to habitat destruction, trade seems to be the major threat to the Green Munia population. Recent studies suggest that about 2,000 individuals of this species are caught each year and a majority of them are smuggled out of India for the pet-trade under the name of 'Tiger finch'. Often coloured females of Red Munia are mixed and fraudulently sold as Green Munia. The species is regularly sold in important trade centres of Patna, Lucknow, Kolkatta and Delhi. The Swamp Francolin Francolinus

Recent studies suggest that about 2,000 individuals of this species are caught each year and a majority of them are smuggled out of India for the pet-trade under the name of 'Tiger finch'. Often coloured females of Red Munia are mixed and fraudulently sold as Green Munia. The species is regularly sold in important trade centres of Patna, Lucknow, Kolkatta and Delhi. The Swamp Francolin Francolinus
he Swamp Francolin Francolinus gularis has been regularly recorded in the Indian bird trade (Ahmed 1997) and is regularly trapped outside protected areas, notably the Indo-Nepal border. In some areas, field surveys suggest that the adult Swamp francolin may be seldom targeted but ends up being trapped as by-catches of Black francolin and Crow pheasants trappings. However, in places where the species is found in good numbers, it may attract targeted trapping. For instance, dealers in this species suggested that in Nepalganj, Lakhimpur-Kheri and Pilibhit districts, the species is often caught for food. Some trapped birds find their way to two main trade centres in Lucknow and Kanpur. The Finn's Baya or Yellow Weaver Ploceus megarhynchus is another globally threatened bird with a very local distribution in Kumaon terai and some parts of Assam. Previously reported to be an endemic resident of north India , it has been recently reported from Nepal . It has been exported over a period of many years - as early as 1901 with several birds handled at the Heathrow airport and reportedly sold in Indian bird markets from time to time . The combination of habitat destruction and possibility of uncontrolled accidental trapping with other weaverbirds and munias and occasional targeted trapping is a major threat. The Sarus Crane Grus

Previously reported to be an endemic resident of north India , it has been recently reported from Nepal . It has been exported over a period of many years - as early as 1901 with several birds handled at the Heathrow airport and reportedly sold in Indian bird markets from time to time . The combination of habitat destruction and possibility of uncontrolled accidental trapping with other weaverbirds and munias and occasional targeted trapping is a major threat. The Sarus Crane Grus antigone is another species trapped regularly for zoos and aviculture trade and occasionally for meat. Chicks are collected to be tamed and sold as captive-bred birds.

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