
Betrayal to renewal

Triggers behind infidelity in the enigmatic realm of romantic relationships are as diverse as the colours of heart, which can be gauged only through deep retrospection — leading the way to gradual rebuilding of mutual trust

Betrayal to renewal

“Infidelity is a wound that cuts deep and leaves a scar that never truly heals.”

I caught my husband texting another woman at night. I was shocked to discover his emotional affair. We have been “happily” married for nearly 10 years now. I have so many questions. Why did he do it? What does it mean for us? How can I trust him again?

I am sorry to hear that there is a void in trust at the moment in your relationship. Discovering your partner’s involvement with someone else can be incredibly painful and confusing. While there is no one good reason, nor are these generic reasons specific to your relationship, this article aims to shed light on the multifaceted aspects of infidelity, provide guidance on understanding its nuances, and offer some strategies for healing.

The reality of cheating

Cheating, a breach of trust within the boundaries of a committed relationship, manifests in various forms—flirting, emotional connections, physical involvement, or even digital interactions. The reasons behind infidelity are as diverse as human emotions, and they often stem from a combination of factors that can be unique to each relationship.

Why do people have an affair?

If only there was one good answer. There really isn’t. Common catalysts for infidelity include:

* Boredom: The allure of novelty may entice individuals seeking a break from the routine of a long-term relationship;

* Communication breakdown: Ongoing conflicts and poor communication might create a rift that leaves partners emotionally detached. These can arise from differences in love languages, varied expectations, and ideological differences;

* Emotional unfulfillment: Feeling unappreciated or disconnected can drive individuals to seek emotional intimacy elsewhere;

* Low self-esteem: External validation may be sought to boost self-worth;

* Sexual dissatisfaction: Unmet desires can lead to seeking physical fulfilment outside the relationship;

* Impulsivity: Individuals prone to rash decisions might act on newfound desires;

* Opportunity: Chance encounters or situations present opportunities for indiscretions;

* Revenge: Some seek affairs to retaliate against perceived wrongs;

* Personal crisis: A midlife crisis, loss, or career change can trigger impulsive behaviour;

* Attachment styles: Individual attachment patterns can influence relationship dynamics;

* Manic phase: In certain cases, heightened sexual behaviour during a manic episode might be a contributing factor.

What should you do if you find your partner having an affair?

Slow down: Processing the discovery of an affair is an emotional journey. It’s crucial to steer clear of impulsive reactions and allow yourself time to absorb the shock.

What not to do?

Avoid knee-jerk reactions and emotional outbursts. Blaming yourself entirely or resorting to character assassination of the partner are both counterproductive. Public shaming, suppressing emotions, and rushing into forgiveness are also best avoided to make room for healing.

What to do?

Open communication is key. Listen to your partner’s perspective and engage in a constructive dialogue. Set boundaries and establish a plan to move forward, taking into account the well-being of both parties.

What if you have an urge to have an affair?

If you find yourself tempted by the prospect of an affair, reflection is crucial. Identifying the root causes and discussing them openly with your partner can help address the underlying issues. Seek professional guidance and consider the implications of your actions on both your relationship and personal well-being.

Couples therapy: navigating the path to reconnection

Many people ask if couple’s therapy really works. The answer is yes and no. It works if both parties are interested in healing rather than just blaming. Couples therapy can be an invaluable resource for couples seeking to heal after an affair. A therapist can facilitate communication, help unravel underlying issues, and provide tools for rebuilding trust.

The road to recovery: can relationships survive affairs?

Yes, but it can take time—sometimes even a lifetime. Healing a relationship after an affair is akin to repairing a punctured balloon. Just as a balloon can be reinflated with care and effort, trust can be rebuilt with patience and dedication. While trust might never be as strong as before, consistent actions, open communication, and mutual effort can lead to its gradual restoration.

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