
Ledger to balance

10 Nov 2020 9:08 PM IST
When in dire straits, sometimes providence unfolds in inscrutable ways

Feud for thought

21 Oct 2020 10:20 PM IST
As a recent social media furore over idlis shows, the age-old war of regional cuisines continues on without any hope for reasonable conclusions

Good 'old' days

7 Oct 2020 10:35 PM IST
Remembering the simple pleasure of the extravagant ‘puja holidays’ of Eastern India in the sobering backdrop of the ongoing pandemic

Retirement blues

27 Sept 2020 10:25 PM IST
The retirement of a civil officer is not as glamorous as some would believe — marked as it is with anxiety over life outside the comfortable and...

Valuable experiences

15 Sept 2020 11:07 PM IST
Reminiscing on the many practical experiences gained throughout a lifetime and the continued process of learning that is sustained by such impromptu...

Scenes from a train

27 Aug 2020 8:54 PM IST
Recounting the endlessly quaint experience of travelling on the Indian railways, an experience that will likely never be the same again

The 'new' old

9 Aug 2020 10:24 PM IST
Exploring the shifting yet fundamentally unchanged nature of Indian matchmaking

To Nepal with love

26 July 2020 11:29 PM IST
The writer's account of the frequent trips made during his childhood between the 'big city' of Delhi and the township of Birganj in Nepal

Between cups of tea

15 July 2020 11:13 PM IST
For a civil servant, a cup of tea is far more than a humble beverage to be imbibed between intervals of work, it is an intrinsic part of their...

Breaking the kaleidoscope

5 July 2020 11:35 PM IST
The glory of India lies in its multicoloured, multicultural approach, a tradition that must not be destroyed by the isolation of certain groups due to...

The new formal

28 Jun 2020 11:09 PM IST
As COVID-19 is now a ubiquitous part of our lives, face masks are quickly becoming an essential part of the way we accessorise in social settings
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