
Farmers caught in quagmire

28 Jan 2019 7:04 PM IST
Erratic weather patterns and low returns on investment have jeopardised the future of farmers in India

Inequality plagues rural India

27 Dec 2018 8:56 PM IST
As in the formal economy, the farm economy also suffers from the concentration of landholdings within a small group

Democracy revved up

19 Nov 2018 8:45 PM IST
In the next 14 months, 62 countries will go to polls resulting in far-reaching ramifications for global governance

Frail ecology houses more poor

4 Oct 2018 9:29 PM IST
Economic growth alone will not lead to poverty eradication. Global efforts must factor in the ecological reasons behind poverty

The local is political

26 April 2018 8:12 PM IST
Panchayats have become a powerful systematic investment plan for political parties to deepen their local influence.

Combatting corruption

26 March 2018 9:23 PM IST
India’s anti-corruption drives do not factor in the poor who become the worst victims of the scourge.

Secure farmers' market

18 Jan 2018 9:34 PM IST
India needs 30,000 agri-markets to give a fair deal to farmers and ensure that their produce does not perish in the test of time.

Half of India's children are poor

13 July 2017 9:18 PM IST
It raises a question: Will they ever come out of poverty?

Step forward from backward districts

2 July 2017 9:24 PM IST
India’s 100 backward districts can teach a new lesson on development if communities are allowed to script their development plans.

Elected democracy: Democratic enough?

1 May 2017 9:44 PM IST
I am a citizen of the world's largest democracy, but a few obvious questions often threaten this existential superlative. Is electoral democracy...

Farmers need government the most

19 Jan 2017 2:54 AM IST
The National Crime Records Bureau recently announced the annual data on farmer suicides. In a span of just one year—from 2014 to 2015—cases of farmer...

Modi and 'mass movement'

29 Dec 2016 3:00 AM IST
What did newsroom of Down To Earth, heated up every day by reports from farms, factories and forests, indicate about 2016?It is certainly the solitary...
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