
Putting faith back in science

1 Aug 2015 5:09 AM IST
When Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a little-known Argentine Cardinal, was elected as the Pope of the Catholic Church in 2013, he, as is customary for all...

Chimeras of the mind and meditation

20 Jun 2015 3:47 AM IST
Meditation (mostly of Buddhist origin) is the new cure-all, drawing to its edifying <g data-gr-id="46">navel</g> a legion of adherents,...

Interrogating the interrogator

5 Jun 2015 4:47 AM IST
Most nations, barring a few (which includes India), have ratified the UN Convention Against Torture. It’s an open secret, however, that the state...

Minor differences in serving justice

21 May 2015 4:31 AM IST
In the Nirbhaya <g data-gr-id="38">gangrape</g> case, one of the accused was a juvenile, just a few months short of being a major. He was...

A case of ‘diminishing’ returns

5 May 2015 6:50 AM IST
Homeopathy doesn’t work. In fact, you are probably better off without it. This caveat comes from Australia’s National Health and Medicine Research...

Rumours of breast and bottle

24 April 2015 4:01 AM IST
The health benefits of breastfeeding are stuff of commonsense, and are increasingly endorsed by science. But when someone claims that breastfed babies...

Clutching at mere straws

4 April 2015 4:19 AM IST
Last year Delhi earned the dubious distinction of being the most polluted city in the world. Its unsuspecting denizens, a WHO study revealed, were...

History and its malcontents

20 March 2015 4:16 AM IST
Staunch Hindu chauvinists never tire of reminding us of India’s glorious past. So we are told that ancient Hindus could make and fly aeroplanes; that...

Disease of flawed insights

12 March 2015 4:33 AM IST
Our bodies and minds are prisoners of modern science. Not a day goes by without newspapers, TV channels and the Internet plying us with the latest...
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