Home > Rakesh Kalshian
The rise of the machines
26 April 2016 2:10 AM ISTLast month a computer program called AlphaGo took on one of the greatest players of the complex board game, Go, and beat him four games to one. Lee...
Calling the bluff on lies
3 April 2016 3:16 AM ISTIt may not be a hyperbole to suggest that the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students who were recently charged with sedition for allegedly raising...
Talk about delusions
22 March 2016 3:27 AM ISTA Beautiful Mind, the 2001 biopic on the economics Nobel laureate John Nash, poignantly captured the brilliant mathematician’s painful struggle with...
I think, therefore, I get well
6 March 2016 3:49 AM ISTWe are all pill-poppers now. Be it a minor indisposition like a sore throat, or a dreaded affliction such as cancer, we have somehow come to set great...
DNA as history and sophistry
17 Feb 2016 3:29 AM ISTThe first Jewish settlers in India arrived about 1,500 years ago from West Asia. Over the years, as they married and mixed into the local populations,...
Unbuttoning the gender straitjacket
10 Feb 2016 3:35 AM ISTEver since homo became sapient, the human mind (predominantly men) conjured up various notions of what it means to be a man or a woman. Barring rare...
Don’t worry, be happy?
9 Jan 2016 3:43 AM ISTCHARLIE BROWNS of the world, take heart. Contrary to what docs and shrinks have been saying for years, being grumpy is unlikely to either hasten your...
The blind spot of science
30 Dec 2015 3:19 AM ISTOur prejudices about names are often coloured by the spirit of our times. A name like Mahan Maharaj, for instance, is likely to conjure up images of a...
Discourse over giving birth to children
11 Oct 2015 3:40 AM ISTNot so long ago, newborns were ushered into the world naturally. Just as in their mammalian cousins, both the expectant mother and her child were...
The Secret Life Of Plants
13 Sept 2015 3:55 AM ISTFor centuries, following Descartes’ ‘I-think-therefore-I-am’ moment, western science looked upon animals as witless creatures given to pure instinct,...
Is anyone out there?
3 Aug 2015 6:30 AM ISTLast month, as the New Horizons space probe was beaming the first-ever images of Pluto, Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner, the Russian billionaire and...
The labyrinth of desire
2 Aug 2015 8:39 AM ISTFor over a decade and a half, Viagra has helped revive the flagging sexual careers of many an impotent man. Buoyed by its soaring success (it raked in...