Home > Raj Liberhan
Life goes on-line
23 Oct 2020 10:41 PM ISTThe onset of COVID-19 brought with it many changes to the way human society operates — changes that will likely outlive the pandemic itself
The mob has the final say
13 Sept 2020 10:30 PM ISTIn the present scenario, much of Indian news media has been reduced to TRP chasing machine that only panders to the mob without restraint or filter
Hoping for the best
25 Aug 2020 10:29 PM ISTIndia’s unusual ascension as a nation may well be a product of the hope held by its people in the face of insurmountable odds
Whither or wither?
11 Aug 2020 10:50 PM ISTDemocracy today has changed — shaped by changing geopolitics and technological advancements that have pushed it onto an unknown path
India's poor deserve better
25 May 2020 11:50 PM ISTDecades of mismanagement and poor policymaking have finally led India’s poor migrant workers to utter desolation in the face of the current pandemic...
India's economic dilemma
7 May 2020 9:04 PM ISTIndia’s economy has always been afflicted by an unfortunate mishmash of misuse of public funds, knee jerk reactions and political agendas, writes Raj...
Capital in crisis
25 Aug 2019 7:57 PM ISTWith the economy in visible crisis and the requirement for reforms soaring high, a coherence of policy initiatives is necessary for a sustainable...
Our 'Bahi Khaata' moment
17 July 2019 8:45 PM ISTOur ‘bahi khata’ has been spoilt by our lack of respect for numbers. Our natural predisposition has been to use numbers for situational convenience
Chumocracy versus meritocracy
26 May 2019 10:22 PM ISTUnless the elements for competence are classified and the person claiming entitlement is judged against each element, merit becomes a subjective...
A workless future?
28 Dec 2018 8:52 PM ISTThough countries across the world are contemplating four-day work weeks to relieve employee stress, this policy change is a luxury India can barely...
Ease of everyday living
13 Dec 2018 8:12 PM ISTThere has been a considerable elation having climbed some notches in the ease of doing business index authored by a reputed international agency. In...
The Ravana within us
6 Dec 2018 10:04 PM ISTWe promised ourselves Ram Rajya and then went about creating Ravanas for each of the noble goals enshrined in our ambitions