Agents of enlightenment
Teachers have managed to keep pace with the dramatically evolving education sector by transitioning from their traditional roles to becoming facilitators, mentors, and counsellors in the digital age

There is a very famous Bob Dylan song, ‘The Times They Are A-Changin'. Almost all corners of psychosocial perspectives have undergone transformations, and human beings are experiencing variegated situations hitherto unknown. The vertical of education is no exception to these changes. As one of the most vital components of social life, education concerns all sections of society by developing human resources. The process of education is incomplete without the art of teaching. In our traditional outlook, a teacher is not just supposed to impart lessons; a teacher should foster the holistic development of students. While celebrating Teacher’s Day, we need to understand the changing roles of the teaching community in light of the consequential changes taking place in our lives. A single date as Teacher’s Day does not evaluate the contribution that the teaching community has been rendering for ages; it is still in constant progress. A teacher's role has shifted from a preacher to a manager of students' social and emotional behaviour. Teachers are mentors for the learning of students, motivators for slow learners, and facilitators of the entire process of education. This facilitating role has emerged with newer significance. While playing the role of a facilitator, a teacher is also connected beyond the cordon of classroom teaching. Modern education is not just confined to the completion of the curriculum; it is also concerned with taking care of the components essential for a student to enjoy the benefits of education. Several programs launched by the government, both at the central and state levels, address the needs of students without which the purpose of education would be impeded. In the context of the varying roles of teachers, they play a decisive role in making these programs achieve the purpose for which they are framed.
COVID has dented every pattern of social existence, and it has also left an indelible impact on education. There was a suspension of normal classes. Even then, the process of learning did not come to a halt. The teachers did not allow that to happen. There was a ready shift from classroom teaching to virtual teaching, where digital education became popular practice. It is not at all easy; it not only requires technological setup, but it also calls for, perhaps to a greater degree, a psychological setup. The same teachers who have been imparting lessons in conventional formats for years readily transformed to accommodate this new demand. This is the ultimate form of facilitation. Teachers even took measures to bring back students who became dissociated from the canopy of education, particularly due to COVID. It was no small task, as they needed to rise above their heights to make students accept the new mode of teaching and to retain their attention and motivation. Since modern education emphasises learning outcomes, teachers have to keep that in mind and try to ensure that students understand the subjects in a manner that will enable them to grasp the syllabus content of the next higher class.
“Education to Employment”—this is the buzz of the modern world. When we think about employment, it is not just a job but various vocational opportunities that a teacher needs to update students about. What patience a teacher needs to show while dealing with this kind of situation! This is what teachers have been doing daily. When we think about our National Budget, we find that, unfortunately, not enough funds are allocated. This affects education from kindergarten to postgraduate levels and even in the research sector. Still, we expect academic excellence. It is the right time to understand that education is not just a stepping stone to earning; it is the bedrock of the development of an entire nation.
The various programs and scholarships implemented at the school and college levels are mostly officiated by teachers. Flagship programs like "Kanyashree" in West Bengal would have encountered difficulties in execution had the teachers not been so diligent in ensuring that eligible beneficiaries were not left out. There are many social-security schemes at both the Central and State levels meant to provide access to education for all. It has been realised that without creating an appropriate ambience, we cannot advocate for education. Teachers hold pivotal positions in creating such a social environment for education. In all the programs targeted at expanding the horizon of education, teachers play a major role. From school to college and university levels, several scholarship schemes exist, and who else but the teachers could be so committed to bringing the government's welfare programs to the students.
According to Rousseau, “A student is like a book whose every page a teacher must read.” Indeed, in this era of moral vacillation and psychological temptations, it is all the more pertinent that teachers maintain a communicative understanding with the students. Hence, from being facilitators in learning, teachers in today’s world also discharge the responsibility of training students for employability skills and making them digital citizens. Teachers have combined with technology in propagating learning not just to develop academic results but also to elevate minds. In the growing complexities of present times, various impediments crop up even in the process of teaching. Some believe that the function of a teacher is perhaps losing influence due to the digitisation of knowledge. However, teachers are responding to these growing challenges, and the manner in which they are dealing with the current crisis has reinforced the age-old idea that a teacher conquers eternity; you never know when their influence begins.
Investment in knowledge is the biggest investment. Such investment can see the light of success only through proper teaching. A young mind nowadays is not just interested in a secured job; they can take risks to open an entrepreneurial venture. The facility of counselling is paramount here. A counsellor can also be a teacher who plays the role of a facilitator. This is the paradigm shift that has occurred over the years. A country cannot thrive without an extensive information system, and this information system rests on knowledge. The whole world has accepted the importance of a knowledge-based economy. Without teachers, such aspirations would never be achieved.
A vital parameter of our life is how we discharge our social responsibilities with ethics and moral values. It is about collective growth and not remaining as islands of excellence. This understanding needs to be ingrained in the minds of learners. Talking about equity, diversity, and inclusiveness is easy, but achieving it is like scaling a mountain. As torchbearers of distributive justice, teachers facilitate social empowerment. Yes, there are some exceptions where some teachers might have faltered in their ideology and conduct. Society has not been happy with a section of the teaching community in recent times. The halo of the profession might be dimming, but this cannot be the ultimate impression, for who else other than our teachers can take us from darkness to enlightenment?
The writer is an educator from Kolkata. Views expressed are personal