Nehru, Gandhi at CP soon!
New Delhi Municipal Council is planning to give a patriotic look to the most sought-after hangout in the city- Connaught Place- on Independence Day. The project is part of beautification of CP as part of year long centenary celebrations of the council.
'We will adorn the inner circle with huge rare pictures of freedom fighters,'said Jalaj Shrivastava, chairman of NDMC. 'The rare pictures of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan would be portrayed on huge illuminated hoardings,'he informed adding that the pictures to be displayed are really rare pictures. 'The plan is to show the glimpse of our glorious past to our new generation in an innovative way so that they could be aware about the values of the Indian national movement,'he added. However, the exact number of pictures to be displayed are yet to be finalised but the pictures would be around 3 meter x 4 meter in size in the entire inner circle area. These pictures will be unveiled to public on <span tabindex="0" data-term="goog_979068066">15 August and stay for a couple of months.
These pictures of the freedom fighters will encircle the huge national flag situated in the middle of Central Park of CP on 207 feet flag pole. The flag has become popular among the visitors of CP and they could be seen taking snaps and video graphs of the flag on their mobiles. The council had recently approved pictures of freedom fighters on the walls of Shankar Market, situated near outer ring road of CP and known as fabric market along with street art being adorned in collaboration with Delhi Street Art.