Rajnath interacts with Navika Sagar Parikrama II crew on eve of International Women’s Day
New Delhi: On the eve of International Women’s Day, Defence minister Rajnath Singh interacted with the crew members of Navika Sagar Parikrama II (NSP II), the two-women naval sailing expedition circumnavigating the globe. The engagement underscored the government’s commitment to promoting gender inclusion in the armed forces and celebrating the remarkable contributions of women in maritime operations.
During the interaction, the Defence minister lauded the courage, dedication, and resilience of the NSP II crew, who have embarked on this challenging voyage as part of India’s continued efforts to showcase ‘Nari Shakti’ in high-endurance missions.
He congratulated the crew for the remarkable milestones of crossing Point Nemo - the world’s most isolated waters and sailing through the Drakes Passage one of the most treacherous water bodies.