
HP Land Ceiling Act relaxed, relief for RSSB

HP Land Ceiling Act relaxed, relief for RSSB

Shimla: Himachal Pradesh state Assembly passed the HP Land Holding Maximum Limit (Amendment) Bill, 2024 to amend the HP Land Ceiling Act, granting a big relief to religious organisation Radha Soami Trust Beas (RSSB) to transfer 30 acres of land to its sister organisation for running medical facilities.

The Bill was tabled by revenue minister Jagat Singh Negi two days back. On Friday, it was passed by the House by a voice vote after a heated discussion which also had participation of some ruling party members.

The BJP, pointing out its aftereffects, demanded that the amendment Bill be sent to the Select Committee for a thorough consideration to address some of the grave concerns. But, the Congress government gave its own reasons and put the Bill to voting. The BJP found an option to stay silent on the voting instead of opposing the amendment.

Replying to the debate, Negi said the government will ensure that the law was not misused by the organisation.

“If any misuse or violation of the purpose for which the land was being transferred is noticed, it will revert back to the government. The land use will be restricted only for religious, charitable, social and spiritual purposes not commercial,” he underlined.

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