
Mapping the states of India - Page 5

Prestige for loyalty

10 April 2021 10:30 PM IST
Princely states in British India were accorded hierarchical significance through cannon salutes, depending upon their fealty to the crown

The state in the north

3 April 2021 11:11 PM IST
Building on the first part wherein dissatisfaction with ‘United Provinces’ was highlighted, this part shows how a new name came out of the blue,...

Naming the hindi heartland

27 March 2021 11:18 PM IST
The need for a new noun was felt as ‘United Provinces’ didn’t resonate with the identity of people and the profound metamorphosis of the state during...

Built on the glorious past

20 March 2021 10:45 PM IST
After changing many hands through the long passage of history, NCR in its new form remains a bustling centre of socio-economic and political life

Highlanders' own state

13 March 2021 11:34 PM IST
Protest against the UP government’s reservation laws, though meant to counter political exclusion, finally transpired into a separate administrative...

Discontent to confrontation

6 March 2021 10:30 PM IST
Against the backdrop of fading political support, dissatisfaction among locals grew to the extent of direct mass-scale intervention with a clear...

Upsurge against exploitation

27 Feb 2021 11:49 PM IST
The demand for preservation of traditional rights over forest resources in the colonial period transpired into that for a separate administrative unit...

Unanimity for the new state

20 Feb 2021 10:47 PM IST
Chhattisgarh was finally carved out of MP with bipartisan consensus between BJP and Congress, preceded by the endeavours of diverse local outfits

Coming together in cohesion

13 Feb 2021 11:09 PM IST
Colonial encroachment of rights and resources partly united the forest locals in the historic region but concrete demand for a separate state could...

Out of political consensus

6 Feb 2021 11:12 PM IST
Consent among leading parties capped the efforts of JMM and others to realise the formation of Jharkhand — though covering a narrower area

A regional construct

30 Jan 2021 11:21 PM IST
A series of agrarian and missionary uprisings were brought under a single roof by Jaipal Singh to realise the separate statehood for Jharkhand

Differing concerns

16 Jan 2021 11:19 PM IST
Continuing the story following the failed 1956 merger of WB and Bihar and narrating the various concerns and motivations that finally influenced the...
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