
Mapping the states of India - Page 3

Seeds of disintegration

26 Sept 2021 12:14 AM IST
The migration trend from Eastern Bengal to lower Assam, set by 1905 Partition, acquired religious colour on account of politics and, as 'integration'...

Northeast frontiers

19 Sept 2021 12:41 AM IST
During the late 19th century, the Assam frontier had several geographical additions and the region underwent demographic transformation with...

Re-emergence of 'Telangana' identity

12 Sept 2021 12:36 AM IST
The case for separate Telangana got consolidated with the resurfacing of subsumed regional identities, which political parties found tough to go...

Telangana redux

5 Sept 2021 12:50 AM IST
Apart from linguistic grounds, the failure of Gentlemen’s Agreement fuelled discontent among Telangana political elites, conceding to whose demands,...

Dual frontiers

29 Aug 2021 12:42 AM IST
While India’s claims over Gilgit-Baltistan and Aksai Chin stem from Dogra conquest of 1840, the Chinese incursion came as late as during the 1950s and...

Acquiescence: A mirage in Kashmir?

21 Aug 2021 11:01 PM IST
Attempts of reconciliation over Kashmir issue inched closer with Dixon and Shimla agreements but the end remained an unfulfilled hope due to mutual...

UN and the standstill

15 Aug 2021 12:23 AM IST
After the abrupt stalling of 1947-48 Kashmir war, a confident Nehru took the issue to the UN which eventually ruled for immediate ceasefire, causing...

Inexplicable hold-up

7 Aug 2021 10:46 PM IST
Even as a merger with Pakistan was ruled out, and Hari Singh expressed willingness to accede to India, there was a considerable delay which cost India...

An independent J&K?

31 July 2021 11:05 PM IST
While Jinnah’s bid for Muslim support was contested by Abdullah’s secular image, he also found little success in tempting Maharaja on his side who was...

Against the 'purchased kingdom'

24 July 2021 9:38 PM IST
The legitimacy of the exploitative Dogra dynasty — set up with the ‘purchase’ of the ‘kingdom’— was finally questioned by Sheikh Abdullah who would...

The Kashmir 'kingdom'?

17 July 2021 11:04 PM IST
The diverse discourse around Jammu and Kashmir is historically deep-rooted and had many parallels along the nature and conduct of contemporary...

The Gentlemen's Agreement!

10 July 2021 9:38 PM IST
As Hyderabad ceased to exist as a state and its Telugu-speaking region was merged with Andhra against SRC’s recommendation, grounds for separate...
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