Last minute aspirants throng DU counters
BY Varun Bidhuri19 Jun 2012 7:58 AM IST
Varun Bidhuri19 Jun 2012 7:58 AM IST
Aspiring students thronged the counters of the Delhi University on the last day for submitting the application forms for admission into undergraduate courses.
The university, prepared for this eventuality, had opened counters at north and south campuses half an hour earlier.
Dean of Student Welfare J M Khurana said that hordes of last minute applicants forced the counters to be kept open beyond the scheduled timings on Monday.
‘Last year 1,20,000 forms were submitted, but the figures went up this year due to the online facility for submitting forms. A total of 1,46,000 forms have been submitted. Of which, 1,03,000 were pre-admission optical-mark recognition forms. As of now, nearly 43,300 aspirants have done online payment registration for 54,000 seats at DU,’ added Khurana.
‘Originally, we had planned to keep the counters open till 1 pm, while the forms could be submitted at 12 designated post offices around the city till 4 pm. So anyone running late would still be able to submit forms, said Gurpreet Singh Tuteja, Deputy Dean for Student Welfare.
However, these alternative methods seemed to hold no charm for the applicants who stood in long queues at the university counters. In contrast, there were hardly any aspirants at the head post office in Lodhi road, one of the designated post offices where forms could be submitted.
St Stephen’s College, which began its online registration from 21 May, has received 14,000 online forms and 7,200 hard copies for 400 seats. According to college officials, compared to last year, there was an increase in the number of forms sold and submitted.
Cut-off list DU officials remained sceptical about the data on what courses students would apply for, generated during the pre-registration rush, because colleges decide cut-offs based on demand.
‘The trend right now is that most students haven’t analysed last year’s cut-offs when they put their preferences. Thus the data may not help much when it comes to deciding cut-offs even though it might give colleges some idea about the number of students,’ a DU official said.
The first cut-off list will be announced on 26 June.
Sunny | Applied for BSc Maths
'In last 14 days I was vacationing with my family. Since it is last day to fill forms, I called up my friends to meet me in the faculty of arts. Now I am here with my friends and they are helping me fill the form. Plus, I am having a good time with my friends. I like this lively atmosphere here.'
Sonu Kumar | Applied for BCom
'Well, I know that it is the last day, but I was busy with management courses. I decided to submit a form in DU as well, just in case. It takes two hours to reach here: I came from Noida Sector 53. I like the fact that they have given us some extra time to fill the forms.'
Satendar Tiwari | Applied for BSc Physics [H] & BSc Maths [H]
'Coming to campus is almost a compulsion. Going online is no fun. Because it's last day today, there are help desks to clarify things and help us avoid mistakes while filling the forms. But I heard from a couple of my friends that even on Saturday the counters were closed at 2.30 pm instead 1 pm.'
Jyoti Rani | Applied for pass course
I don't have an account in any bank and it is a long procedure to fill the online form. As it is the last day, I didn't want to take any chances. Online form is centralised and once I make a mistake, I cannot correct it.
The university, prepared for this eventuality, had opened counters at north and south campuses half an hour earlier.
Dean of Student Welfare J M Khurana said that hordes of last minute applicants forced the counters to be kept open beyond the scheduled timings on Monday.
‘Last year 1,20,000 forms were submitted, but the figures went up this year due to the online facility for submitting forms. A total of 1,46,000 forms have been submitted. Of which, 1,03,000 were pre-admission optical-mark recognition forms. As of now, nearly 43,300 aspirants have done online payment registration for 54,000 seats at DU,’ added Khurana.
‘Originally, we had planned to keep the counters open till 1 pm, while the forms could be submitted at 12 designated post offices around the city till 4 pm. So anyone running late would still be able to submit forms, said Gurpreet Singh Tuteja, Deputy Dean for Student Welfare.
However, these alternative methods seemed to hold no charm for the applicants who stood in long queues at the university counters. In contrast, there were hardly any aspirants at the head post office in Lodhi road, one of the designated post offices where forms could be submitted.
St Stephen’s College, which began its online registration from 21 May, has received 14,000 online forms and 7,200 hard copies for 400 seats. According to college officials, compared to last year, there was an increase in the number of forms sold and submitted.
Cut-off list DU officials remained sceptical about the data on what courses students would apply for, generated during the pre-registration rush, because colleges decide cut-offs based on demand.
‘The trend right now is that most students haven’t analysed last year’s cut-offs when they put their preferences. Thus the data may not help much when it comes to deciding cut-offs even though it might give colleges some idea about the number of students,’ a DU official said.
The first cut-off list will be announced on 26 June.
Sunny | Applied for BSc Maths
'In last 14 days I was vacationing with my family. Since it is last day to fill forms, I called up my friends to meet me in the faculty of arts. Now I am here with my friends and they are helping me fill the form. Plus, I am having a good time with my friends. I like this lively atmosphere here.'
Sonu Kumar | Applied for BCom
'Well, I know that it is the last day, but I was busy with management courses. I decided to submit a form in DU as well, just in case. It takes two hours to reach here: I came from Noida Sector 53. I like the fact that they have given us some extra time to fill the forms.'
Satendar Tiwari | Applied for BSc Physics [H] & BSc Maths [H]
'Coming to campus is almost a compulsion. Going online is no fun. Because it's last day today, there are help desks to clarify things and help us avoid mistakes while filling the forms. But I heard from a couple of my friends that even on Saturday the counters were closed at 2.30 pm instead 1 pm.'
Jyoti Rani | Applied for pass course
I don't have an account in any bank and it is a long procedure to fill the online form. As it is the last day, I didn't want to take any chances. Online form is centralised and once I make a mistake, I cannot correct it.
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