
Information asymmetry

17 July 2021 10:41 PM IST
Based on the concept that two parties involved in an economic transaction share differing information — works of James Mirrlees and William Vickrey...

The Nobel series: Proponent of rational expectations

10 July 2021 9:49 PM IST
Based on the foundation stone of his rational expectations hypothesis, Robert E Lucas' works transformed the way we perceive macroeconomic analysis

The Nobel series: Masters of game theory

3 July 2021 9:40 PM IST
John Forbes Nash, John Charles Harsanyi and Reinhard Selten expanded the frontiers of game theory by analysing the equilibria in non-cooperative games

The Nobel series: Founding fathers of cliometrics

26 Jun 2021 9:29 PM IST
Through the application of a statistical approach to economic history, Robert William Fogel and Douglass Cecil North traced various facets of...

The Nobel Series: A real-world economist

19 Jun 2021 9:40 PM IST
Through his rationality assumption and the human-capital approach, Garry Stanley Becker forayed successfully, but controversially, into...

The Nobel series: Proponent of property rights

12 Jun 2021 9:00 PM IST
Ronald H Coase’s interdisciplinary and elementary work shaped the contours of the institutional structure of an economy

The Nobel series: With scientific prowess

5 Jun 2021 7:03 PM IST
Maurice Allais harnessed his mathematical expertise to make a significant addition to general equilibrium theory and develop decision-making models...

Wizards of finance

29 May 2021 6:45 PM IST
Works of Harry Markowitz, Merton Miller and William Sharpe, though critisised for their restrictive assumptions, continue to guide financial markets...

The Nobel Series: A complete econometrician

22 May 2021 9:27 PM IST
Trygve Haavelmo’s fundamental contribution was in looking at economic problems in terms of probability, which had a major impact on the development of...

Growth through a fresh perspective

17 April 2021 11:51 PM IST
The Nobel prize in economics in 1987 was awarded to Robert Solow for his contributions to the theory of economic growth. Solow was at the...

The Nobel Series: The political economist

10 April 2021 10:23 PM IST
James McGill Buchanan used economic tools to analyse constitutionally bound political decision-making that eventually found application in EU...

The Nobel Series: Decoding financial markets

3 April 2021 10:53 PM IST
Franco Modigliani, a Neo-Keynesian economist, played a major role in establishing the ‘life-cycle hypothesis’ which explains the level of savings in...
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