Home > Krishna Gupta
The Nobel series: Krugman's 'new economic geography'
9 Oct 2021 10:47 PM ISTTaking cue from the growing intra-industry trade, Paul Robin Krugman incorporated economies of scale and consumers’ preference for diverse goods to...
Mathematicians' & mechanism design
3 Oct 2021 12:58 AM ISTWhile Leonid ‘Leo’ Hurwicz gave the theory of incentive compatibility in mechanism design, Eric Stark Maskin and Roger Bruce Myerson extended his work...
Explorer of new vistas
25 Sept 2021 11:36 PM ISTApart from providing microeconomic foundation to macroeconomic theories, Edmund Strother Phelps, going beyond the Keynesian hypothesis, clarified the...
The ace game theorists
19 Sept 2021 1:29 AM ISTWhile Robert John Aumann applied his mathematical skills to developing his works on repeated games, Thomas Crombie Schelling laid out simple and lucid...
Proponents of dynamic macroeconomics
12 Sept 2021 12:07 AM ISTContrary to the Keynesian view that changes in aggregate demand drove business cycles, the works of Finn Erling Kydland and Edward Christian Prescott...
Trailblazers of time series
5 Sept 2021 12:16 AM ISTRobert Fry Engle III and Clive William John Granger introduced innovative methods — with time varying volatility and cointegration respectively — of...
The Nobel Series: Pathfinders of new frontiers
29 Aug 2021 12:30 AM ISTThe works of both Daniel Kahneman and Vernon Lomax Smith challenged the assumptions of neoclassical framework; while the former applied psychological...
Economics of asymmetric information
21 Aug 2021 10:36 PM ISTGeorge Akerlof, Michael Spence and Joseph Stiglitz applied the concept of information asymmetry to wide-ranging areas, enabling a more real-world...
Statistical solutions to microeconomic problems
15 Aug 2021 12:54 AM ISTWhile James Joseph Heckman devised a method for analysing selective samples and did research on effects of early childhood care on health, Daniel...
The Nobel Series: Father of Euro
7 Aug 2021 10:03 PM ISTChiefly known for dynamic analysis of fiscal and monetary policy under different exchange rate regimes, Robert Alexander Mundell made fundamental...
The Nobel Series: Doyen of welfare economics
31 July 2021 10:48 PM ISTAmartya Sen transcended the boundaries of the discipline of economics, exuding a high degree of humanitarian concern, through his still-relevant works...
The Nobel Series: Valuators of derivatives
24 July 2021 9:34 PM ISTAmid the wide-ranging works of Robert Cox Merton and Myron Samuel Scholes in financial theory, the valuation of options by eliminating the need of...