Home > K V Venkatasubramanian
Seeding for change, or not
29 March 2014 4:29 AM ISTIndian campaigners trying to keep GM (genetically modified) food crops out of the country seem to be waging a losing battle. The government is moving...
Free Internet from space
15 March 2014 4:31 AM ISTEver imagined that, one day, you would have online access to phones and computers, putting an end to opening the purse strings to access the Internet?...
Harnessing the Sun
1 March 2014 5:02 AM ISTIndia appears to be waking up slowly to harness sunrays from rooftops. From nascence, the concept of harnessing the Sun from rooftops is yet to move...
Filthy cities, looming disaster
15 Feb 2014 4:30 AM ISTOn a fine summer noon, I notice two diligent municipal workers scooping dust adjoining a curbside storm drain, near a train station. There is no trace...
The Endosulfan muddle
2 Feb 2014 5:15 AM ISTVictims of endosulfan insecticide and activists have reason to smile. The Karnataka High Court has directed the state government to pay a monthly...