Armed force joins IIT Guwahati’s drone tech programme

IIT Guwahati has initiated a three-month training programme on drone technology for Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs) and Other Ranks Officers (OR). It will be extended in due course. Implemented by the Centre for Educational Technology (CET), Centre for Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems (CICPS), Centre for Drone Technology and IIT Guwahati Technology Innovation and Development Foundation (IITG TIDF), the primary objective of this programme is to modernise the armed forces operations, provide state-of-the-art skills for drone operations and utilities and facilitate a smooth transition for the armed forces as they consider post-retirement career options in the rapidly expanding drone technology sector.
The current batch of drone technology programme has 30 personnel from various armed forces.Emphasising on the need of the course, Brigadier Rajeev Kapur, SM, Assistant Director General of the Directorate General of Resettlement (DRZ) said, “The aim of the Armed Forces Resettlement Courses Programme is to enable a smooth transition of service personnel who aspire for a second career in the corporate world at various levels after retirement. The three-month course on drone technology has been specially designed for JCOs and ORs of the Armed Forces to not only expand their knowledge on the dynamics of drone Technology and its various applications in the emerging global environment, but also to give them an insight into the civil domain, and familiarise them with the working environment of the corporate world.” This programme is the beginning of a series of upskilling Officers Courses to be offered by the institute.