
Is net addiction the new mental health disorder?

Do you become restless when internet connection goes off, do you find creative ways to lie about your usage of smartphone, and do you often feel depressed, moody and nervous when off-line? If such symptoms have become part of your day-to-day behaviour, then you might be going through what doctors term as Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD).

‘I gave a smartphone to my son when he was in class 12th. After getting it, his behaviour changed drastically. He remained glued to the phone 24x7. From early morning to late night, he was constantly with the phone and when asked to leave it and concentrate on studies, he used to become very aggressive. Also, his grades dropped badly in class 12th,’ said Amit Aggarwal, Sagar’s father, who was an internet addict.

This is just one of the many cases that need serious attention immediately. Within three months of its registration, a first-of-its-kind NGO that came up with an internet de-addiction centre registered 87 cases. Also known as Problematic Internet Use (PIU) or Compulsive Internet Use (CIU), the addiction has become a serious fixation amongst youngsters and even adults.

‘Though, now, even adults are becoming internet addicts, this disorder is more prominent amongst children and youngsters. I get 10-12 cases in a month where people are suffering from internet addiction which includes professionals, housewives and children,’ said Aarti Anand, psychiatrist, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

Experts say that the easy availability of internet and no restriction by parents or guardians are factors which support net addiction. IAD besides causing depression is also increasing neurological problems. ‘Children who are using net constantly, often get depressed if they are not allowed to use internet. IAD has led to drop in confidence level, low – self esteem, lack of social skills, increased consciousness about self and body. Also, constant use of phone lead to neurological problems,’ said Aarti Anand.

Restriction over internet usage, more participation in outdoor activities, creating a balance between using net and doing other works are effective measures to prevent internet addiction.

‘Parents have to restrict their children from using by allotting them specific time. Indulging in dance or music therapies can also help prevent net addiction. Developing a hobby or other creative interests are also constructive ways to de-addict yourself from net usage,’ said a psychiatrist. 

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