
For your eyes only

Kohl, more commonly called kajal, is one of the beauty products that most women can’t do without. But getting hands on the right one is all about knowing your eye colour well, and matching it with the apt kohl, makeup experts say.

Ishika Taneja, international make-up expert lists the various types of kajal available over-the-counter and gives pointers on what colours to pick:

Roll on kajal: It is easy to apply and doesn’t need to be sharpened.

Kajal pencil: This one needs to be sharpened. It is easy to carry. Since it melts easily, store them in fridge.

Gel based kajal: It contains water and stays for longer. The catch is that you need to apply it with a help of a brush.

Kajal crayon: You just need to peel off the paper wrapper and apply it. The disadvantage of this kajal is that thin lines can’t be drawn as it is not pointed. Besides, it is oil based so it melts during summer season.

Powder surma: If you buy a good quality surma, it will be good for eyes. But it can get messy! So carrying it in the purse, is not the best idea.

Since this make-up product enhances the beauty of your eyes, you must consider the colour of eyes before zeroing in on any shade. Dwelling further on that thought,Taneja shares some options for you to mix and match your kajal with your eye colour:

Green eyes: Reddish brown
Blue eyes: Golden eye pencil or deeper blues
Brown eyes: Purple, green or carbon black
Black eyes: All colours would suit.

Bollywood beauty and make-up expert Puja Taluja said that depending on occasions, women should opt for different coloured kajal pencils.
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