Grow it, Au Naturale
Beard has become a style statement for men in the last couple of years, but grooming it has never been an easy task. Here is a beard-growing-tutorial that can be useful
Slow-growing patchy beard or no beard at all can be a curse in the realm of 'hairy' men, as it screams masculinity and of course is a great source of pride. If you are one among those unfortunates, itching to grow a thick moustache and beard, you shall not worry anymore. Here are five essential growth tips which can fairly kick-off the process. Read on:
Exfoliate your skin
Perhaps, many a people might not pin it as crucial but the truth is, it helps in removing the dead skin cells which will in turn stimulate hair growth. This is precisely how a full beard starts to inset.
Eat right, sleep tight
Both these factors go a long way in shaping any kind of growth, and optimising them brings forth ideal results. Besides this, increase the intake of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin E and 2.5mg of biotin as it contributes to the speed of facial hair growth. Add carbs, and protein rich food (meat, fish, eggs) can be further helpful since hair is basically protein they say. One should avoid eating polyunsaturated fats as they lower testosterone (T) and DHT (dihydrotestosterone) considered biggies in promoting facial hair growth density. If you're seriously committed, you can also round out your diet with a supplement like Vitabeard.
As far as sleep is concerned, aim for a real 'good night one' because studies have revealed that men who sleep for 8 hours have higher 'T' level than guys who sleep for four hours per night or less. All in all, it is very essential to optimize your whole lifestyle, reduce stress to its minimal in healthy ways as it directly affects hormones involved in the making of hair related growth.
A cream or moisturiser with main ingredient eucalyptus is recommended
The component eucalyptus here proves to be very useful in helping the hair grow more quickly on your face, say experts. Developing a facial massage routine will further embellish the growth.
Keeping tabs and allowing beard its space too
Well, keep an eye out for the ingrown hair on your face; it restricts the growth of beard. Avoid trimming or shaping your beard frequenly. If you want the hair to grow quickly, leave it alone while it grows. Groom it only after four to six weeks when it is fully grown.
Don't fall for any pitfalls
You might as well be aware of the popular myth "shaving encourages facial hair growth" which is utterly false; an airy-fairy claim ineffective to boost beard growth. There is no scientific research to prove it. When you first start growing, resist the urge to trim or style, and leave it untouched for the first 4-6 weeks.
Along the same lines are those so called beard supplements, beard growth oils and sprays having no real substantive elements to it and can only mimic the work which a multivitamin would do.
These are the five essential tips one should not overlook especially when pressing on for a full grown beard. Remember, the rate that your facial hair grows naturally depends mostly on genetics, but if you are really ardent for it to happen, then these tips could act as a springboard for sure.