
'The Flash' trailer: Time to travel back in time!

The Flash trailer: Time to travel back in time!

Following the success of the MCU’s multiverse collision and multiple Spider-Mans in Tom Holland’s ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’, DC is attempting to do something similar by drawing inspiration from its ‘Flashpoint’ storyline, in which viewers see superfast superhero Flash, also known as Barry, travel back in time.

With a three-minute glimpse into the 10-year-in-the-making film, Flash reverses time to the point where viewers see him undertake a quest to save his mother from dying. As Barry travels through time, he is assisted by fellow superheroes such as Girl of Steel (Sasha Calle), as Superman does not exist in this universe and two versions of Batman, played by Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck.

Fans will particularly be excited to see a glimpse of Zack Snyder’s world, which he built over a decade ago with Man of Steel, as Michael Shannon’s villainous General Zod takes command in a brief appearance in the trailer. As Flash travels back in time, viewers will also meet a younger Barry, who, like the rest of Gen Z, appears obsessed with capturing eye-catching moments.

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