
Vaccinating Ggm: First health workers, then cops and govt officials, followed by elderly

Vaccinating Ggm: First health workers, then cops and govt officials, followed by elderly

Gurugram: With district officials here planning to be able to roll out COVID-19 vaccines by January 2021, the health department has designed three phases to vaccinate Gurugram, starting with health care workers at the forefront of the war against the pandemic.

The first phase will see healthcare workers from both public and private facilities being vaccinated. Known for not having enough public hospitals, Gurugram's COVID-19 battle was largely waged in large private hospitals.

It is estimated that there are over 25,000 health workers in private and public medical institutions in Gurugram. A list of these health workers is already being prepared.

The second phase will see police officers and Gurugram's government officials take the vaccine, after which the elderly between the ages of 61 and 70 will be prioritised for the vaccine.

According to official data, while people between 61-70 contribute to only eight percent of all COVID-19 cases in the district, they comprise 68 per cent of all fatalities here. RWAs are expected to be roped in to identify the elderly candidates for the vaccine.

According to officials, vaccination will be monitored through the COVIN app, the formation of which Millennium Post had earlier this month reported.

"If all goes according to plan, we may be able to bring in COVID-19 vaccine by January 2021. We have begun to prepare a list of people who will be given this vaccine on a priority basis," said an official of Gurugram Health Department.

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