
Sale of DDA's 'unsold' LIG & EWS flats at Narela picks up following L-G's intervention: Officials

Sale of DDAs unsold LIG & EWS flats at Narela   picks up following L-Gs intervention: Officials

satvika mahajanNew Delhi: As per L-G VK Saxena's office, sale of DDA's 'unsold' LIG and EWS flats at Narela picks up following the L-G's intervention. This included amending the eligibility criteria for buying houses and concerted efforts towards developing transport connectivity, security and health services in Narela, DDA's efforts in disposing its housing inventory in Narela has received a sure impetus.

DDA's latest advertisement on September 5, 2022 for sale of LIG and EWS flats at Narela on a 'first-come-first-serve' basis has received very good response from the people. Within 15 days, 1,281 flats (EWS 772 & LIG 509) put up for sale have received 1,940 registrations and 870 flats (EWS 619 & LIG 251) have already been sold. The sale of these 1,281 flats is expected to fetch Rs 196.90 crore.

In the meeting of the DDA chaired by the L-G on August 3, 2022, it was decided to do away with the requirement of having annual individual income of less than

Rs 3 lakh for applicants/allottees of EWS categories and less than Rs 10 lakh as family income. Instead the authority decided to allot such flats only on the basis of annual family income below Rs 10 lakh per annum as certificated by the Competent Officer/Authority. This led to many more applicants becoming eligible for applying for such houses in LIG & EWS categories.

Similarly, the decision to shift from lottery mode for allotment of houses to 'first-come-first-serve' basis, which provides the opportunity to the buyer to first see the property that he is buying and then decide, rather than being forced to take the one allotted through a lottery, has also led to an enthusiastic response from the people. The disposal of these Flats through lottery was proving to be a major bottleneck in their sale.

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