DDA holds ‘Jansunwai’
New Delhi: The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) on Thursday conducted a ‘Jansunwai’ (public hearing) on the PM Uday Scheme at DDA head office Vikas Sadan under the chairmanship of Subhasish Panda, Vice Chairman, DDA where all queries and complaints related to the scheme were addressed.
Pradhan Mantri – Unauthorised Colonies in Delhi Awas Adhikar Yojana (PM-UDAY) scheme was devised by the Government of India in 2019 for residents of Unauthorised Colonies in Delhi. The PM-UDAY scheme allows conferment/recognition of ownership or transfer/mortgage rights to the residents of Unauthorised Colonies (UCs) in Delhi.
The registration for ‘Jansunwai’ was open to all applicants /public on all working days from April 1, 2023 to April 9, 2023 and anyone who had queries/complaints related to the scheme could register.
Public was requested to register themselves by calling the DDA toll free number and provide the basic details like Case ID, Colony Name etc. The PM UDAY team instructed the applicants upon the grievances/queries in an urgent time bound manner so that concrete reply to the queries could be provided to the public on the day of Jansunwai. This was monitored closely by the Vice Chairman, DDA.
Over 100 applicants attended the ‘Jansunwai’. As a consequence of Jansunwai, 22 cases were approved. This is the first open for all ‘Jansunwai’. DDA plans to conduct many such hearings, covering other public dealing departments, like Land Disposal and Housing in the coming days where applicants will not only be heard but their queries/grievances will also be addressed immediately.