DDA discontinues attestation by gazetted officers
BY Siddheshwar Shukla25 Dec 2014 4:10 AM IST
Siddheshwar Shukla25 Dec 2014 4:10 AM IST
After Millennium Post published the report ‘Gazetted officers charge Rs 500 to attest papers of DDA housing scheme’ on Tuesday, Delhi Development Authority (DDA) issued fresh guidelines to discontinue the attestation by gazetted officers with immediate effect.
“In an important development, it has been stated that the documents like photo and signatures, which were asked to be got attested by a gazetted officer, will not, anymore, be required to be attested by gazetted officer but a self-attestation by the applicant will be accepted. Therefore, all documents can be self-attested by the applicant himself or herself without approaching notary or gazetted officer for the purpose,” said a statement from DDA.
The guidelines have also been uploaded on DDA website and will be given wide publicity so that allottees are not misguided, said a senior DDA officer.
DDA has also decided to extend four days camp for successful allottees of DDA Housing Scheme 2014 of Dwarka area for one day on December 24.
“For the housing localities other than Dwarka, DDA will be operating special counters separately from January 1, 2015 to January 31 on all working days and Saturdays,” said the officer.
DDA is also sending an intimation letter to all the successful applicants wherein a Login ID and password will be provided so that the successful applicants can check their allotment details etc. Those applicants who cannot deposit the document in person can also send the same through post by January 31.
The allottees will be given possession on January 1-15 for Narela area and from January 25 onwards for Rohini.
This time, DDA is also recording biometric data of original allottees to ensure only genuine persons are given ownership rights after five years.
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