
SJVN CMD conferred Life Time Achievement Award by Indian Concrete Institute

SJVN CMD conferred Life   Time Achievement Award   by Indian Concrete Institute

SHIMLA: Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director, SJVN has been conferred with Life Time Achievement award by Indian Concrete Institute (ICI). The award was conferred during a virtual function organized by ICI on Concrete Day & Construction Excellence

Awards 2020.

SJVN's present installed capacity is 2016.51 MW with portfolio of around 9000 MW, having presence in various sectors of energy generation which includes Hydro, Wind, Solar & Thermal.

The company also has presence in the field of Energy Transmission. Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) is one of the leading professional bodies in India, catering to the professional needs of individuals and organizations involved in Concrete.

Being a non-profit organisation, it is dedicated to the cause of disseminating knowledge on concrete, to promote

concrete technology and construction and to address the Research Needs of


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