
NCL hopes to achieve production target of 139 million tonnes for FY25

NCL hopes to achieve production target of 139 million tonnes for FY25

New Delhi: Coal India arm Northern Coalfields Ltd (NCL) expects to achieve the production target of 139 million tonnes (MT) for the current fiscal.

In a statement, NCL said that till February the company produced 128.13 million tonnes and “we are hopeful that we will also achieve our annual target”.

The company’s dispatch was 125.78 MT in the April-February period of the current fiscal. NCL’s dispatch target for the current fiscal is 139 million tonnes.

The company known for its highly mechanised mines and critical role in ensuring the country’s energy security, said that it has launched the first aid training programme for homemakers on a large scale.

By extending awareness about first aid beyond the workplace and into the homes of its workforce, Northern Coalfields Ltd is fostering a primary-care-conscious community and reinforcing a culture of preparedness.

“Launched on 26th January, the First Aid Training Program for Homemakers, in just one month, has successfully trained about 1,500 homemakers in different sessions held at all projects,” it said.

NCL is a major contributor towards fulfilling the energy requirement of the nation. About 88 per cent of the coal produced is dispatched to the power sector.

NCL has a share of about 15 per cent in the nation’s total coal production i.e. a contribution of about 10 per cent in total power generation.

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