Himachal to earn `200 cr annually from power scheduling
Shimla: High on resource generation drive—a tough path chosen by Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, Himachal Pradesh government is set to tap another area to make earnings upto Rs 200 crore per annum.
Earlier, the government has taken a decision to cut down subsidies on power to tax-payers, including ministers and MLAs.
On Sunday, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) approved a new procedure to streamline the scheduling and accounting of free power from the bus bar of generating stations.
Chief Minister Sukhu said here that the new procedure aims to facilitate efficient management of the state’s allocated free power and is projected to earn revenue of Rs 200 crore annually.
“It will be implemented for Himachal Pradesh by August 9, 2024,” he said.
The revised procedure addresses the unique circumstances of hydro-rich states like Himachal Pradesh, which cannot directly consume all the power they generate.
The move will enable the state to sell its entitled share of free power directly from the bus bar of the generating station, ensuring accurate scheduling and accounting.
This modification aims to segregate the Open Access Settlement Mechanism (OASM) accounting between the generating station and the state government, resulting in savings on transmission charges and losses. Transmission fare is paid once the power project becomes operational.
Many projects in Himachal have been operational for decades. Upon implementation, the new procedure would ensure additional savings.
This procedure will help the state avoid blackouts during high silt periods at Nathpa Jhakri and Rampur Stations, as the state cannot revise its schedule during these times.
Additionally, the introduction of the Late Payment Surcharge (LPS) rule by the Government of India makes the implementation of this procedure essential.
According to the CERC (General Network Access) Regulation, the allotted General Network Access (GNA) for Himachal Pradesh is 1130 MW. Beyond this limit, Himachal Pradesh is unable to schedule power from the Inter-State Generating Stations (ISGS), leading to power curtailment.
The Himachal Pradesh Energy Management Centre, serving as the single trading agency managing the power of HPSEBL, HPPCL, and DOE, is actively coordinating with CERC, NRLDC, and other agencies to ensure uninterrupted power supply. As a result of the sale of the power by the agency during April-July, 2024, the government has earned revenue of Rs 300 crore as compared to the similar period in 2023.
During the rainy season, when projects are shut down due to silt problems, maintaining power supply in the state becomes challenging. This procedure will assist the HPSEBL in ensuring a smooth power supply throughout the state.
Himachal Pradesh has a hydro-power potential of 27,000 MW. The state’s installed power capacity was around 4,155 megawatts till 2022.
In 2020-21, HPSEBL’s powerhouses generated 2,031 million units.
The state’s Power Vision Document 2030 aims to add 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy by 2030.