
Kalimpong ranks 1st among dists with highest percentage of population

Kalimpong ranks 1st among dists with highest percentage of population

Darjeeling: Kalimpong has emerged as the district with the highest percentage of population covered by the Duarey Sarkar registration system. Out of a population of 2,51,642 of the district, Kalimpong registered 63,447 footprints. At 25.21% populational covered, the district ranks first among 23 districts of Bengal.

“In the 9th edition of Duarey Sarkar we concentrated on uncovered areas in the past editions. Along with the static camps we had mobile camps as well as outreach camps where two or three officers reached far flung areas to aid residents of these remote areas to access Government welfare programmes and schemes. We also invite suggestions, grievances and feedback so that the programme can be made even more efficient and productive,” stated T Balasubramanian, District Magistrate, Kalimpong.

The DM stressed on the importance of feedback. “We had started Duarey Sarkar with 30 schemes. However, through feedback and suggestions residents urged us to add more services. The 9th edition saw 37 schemes from 18 different departments brought to the doorstep of the residents,” added the DM.

A total of 508 conventional and mobile camps were organised across the district, including 185 camps in Kalimpong-I Block, 128 in Gorubathan Block, 72 in Lava Block, 73 in Pedong Block, and 40 in Kalimpong Municipality.

To ensure maximum participation and awareness, the district administration employed various outreach measures, such as miking, active involvement of local elected representatives, including Area Sabhasads, Panchayat Samiti Members and Gram Panchayat members, also played a pivotal role in encouraging public engagement.

The camps facilitated access to various state government schemes, including the Kanyashree, Lakshmir Bhandar, Jai Bangla Pension, SC/ST certificates, Amar Karmadisha: career guidance scheme, Krishak Bandhu for farmers, Student Credit Cards under the Education Department, and support for fishermen.

The participation of SDOs, BDOs and employees of all participating departments contributed to the smooth operation in the camps. “However the process does not stop at Duarey Sarkar camps. It is a continuing process. Government officers and teams will continue visiting to assist the public. The residents of far flung areas can always keep in touch through Panchayat offices,” suggested Balasubramanian.

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