
JU: V-C appeals for normalcy; JUTA urges return to academics

Kolkata: Jadavpur University’s (JU) officiating vice-chancellor (V-C), Bhaskar Gupta, has appealed to students and stakeholders to take necessary steps to restore normalcy on campus. Gupta, who has been hos-pitalised since March 5 due to fluctuating blood pressure, issued his statement from the hospital on Saturday.

Gupta stated: “I appeal to my beloved students and other learned stakeholders to take all necessary initiatives to restore normalcy in the greater interest of the university, particularly in terms of academic activities, research and administrative activities. Let democracy prevail, and all issues be resolved through dialogue.”

He added: “I am deeply saddened by the unfortunate turn of events on March 1 and wish well for all injured, physically and mentally.”

Later in the day, four students from different faculties visited Gupta at the hospital.

The students also raised concerns regarding the arrest of a fellow student and police notices sent to students’ homes. Meanwhile, the Jadavpur University Teachers’ Association (JUTA) has urged students to end their boycott of classes and examinations, which has been ongoing since the March 1 incident. The association has demanded a thorough investigation into the events and the withdrawal of false legal cases.

JUTA also emphasised the need to restore democratic structures within the university and maintain the traditional student-teacher relationship based on mutual respect. Criticising the administration for its inaction, the association called upon students to return to academics. In a related development, Students’ Federation of India (SFI) leader Srijan Bhattacharya was summoned to Jadavpur Police Station on Saturday. Before entering the station, Bhattacharya told reporters: “I received a notice two days ago. My lawyer and I have brought all relevant images and videos, which we will submit to the police.”

Trouble had began on March 1 as the protesting students demanded an audience with Basu, who went to the campus as president of the TMC-leaning professors’ body to attend a programme.

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