
Body in suitcase: Police, forensics to recreate murder at crime spot

Kolkata: In connection with the murder at Bireshpally in Madhyamgram, police are likely to soon reconstruct the crime inside the house (place of occurrence) in presence of forensic experts.

On Thursday, police had reconstructed the murder but could not reconstruct the crime scene since the room was sealed for investigation.

Meanwhile, investigation revealed that the accused mother-daughter duo took away the gold jewellery which the deceased Sumita Ghosh was wearing. Later, they sold the ornaments at a jewellery shop. Police are trying to locate the shop and ascertain whether the shop owner had followed the necessary procedure while buying old gold or not. On Thursday, during the event reconstruction, cops did not break the seal of the door as forensic experts were not there. Their presence is required during the reconstruction of the murder inside the house.

Police reconstructed the event of carrying the body of Sumita to Kumartuli ghat area from Bireshpally. For the reconstruction, police had called the same cycle van puller and the taxi driver as they are vital witnesses in the case. The claims by accused women and the outcome of the investigation so far were corroborated with the reconstruction.

Barasat Police District cops are trying to file the chargesheet as soon as possible. The mother-daughter duo killed their relative Sumita and tried to dump her body in the River Hooghly on February 25 morning near the Kumartuli ghat area. Local people found their movement suspicious and were compelled to open the trolley bag the duo was carrying. When the body was found, they were arrested by cops from North Port Police Station. After it was found that the murder was committed in Madhyamgram, the case was handed over to the Madhyamgram Police Station under the Barasat Police District.

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