
America in step with the world

1 Nov 2012 2:59 AM IST
If the world had a say in the upcoming US elections to be held on 6 November, Barack Hussain Obama would win hands down. A recent BBC poll has shown...

Why so hard on hackers and hacktivists?

24 Oct 2012 3:59 AM IST
He was only in pursuit of little green men. He wanted to get to the bottom of the existential crisis that flying saucers have been facing ever since...

Can Obama spring back? Yes, he can!

17 Oct 2012 3:30 AM IST
It has been now universally acknowledged that President Barack Obama’s performance on the first of the three televised presidential debates, held on 3...

English vinglish hinglish globish

3 Oct 2012 2:57 AM IST
Even before it has been released here, English Vinglish [EV] is creating quite a stir in India. Sridevi, who makes a comeback with this film after 14...

Freedom of media vs freedom of people?

29 Sept 2012 3:38 AM IST
US President Barack Obama once again invoked Gandhi at his recent UN General Assembly speech to condemn both the anti-Islam video Innocence of Muslims...

‘Fatwa Rushdie’ and the photocopy machine

26 Sept 2012 3:46 AM IST
Like many in the university during the late 1990s and 2000s, I owned a copy of Salman ‘Fatwa’ Rushdie’s super-controversial banned novel The Satanic...

Love in times of presidential campaigns

19 Sept 2012 4:52 AM IST
We were so in love and so in debt, gushed Michelle Obama, and with that line she established that America, no matter how much in debt and fiscal...

Eye for an eye, bullet for a bullet

13 Sept 2012 4:32 AM IST
About a year ago, a book called The Better Angels of Our Nature: the Decline of Violence in History and Its Causes by Harvard professor and cognitive...
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